Entry details
How to enter
Classic and Novice courses are available
Registration is open for Individuals, AR Duo teams and Relay teams.
Additionally, registration for Single Leg is available (Classic course only).
Register online here>>.
Early Bird entry is open till 30th of June (inclusively)
Standard entry is open till 5th of November (inclusively)
Late entry is open till 6th of November (inclusively)
Novice course entry cost (early/standard/late)
Individual entry $99/$129/$149
Relay team entry - $149/$179/$199
AR Duo - Team entry $249/$279/$299 (include double sit-on-top kayak, paddles, and PFD).
Classic course entry cost (early/standard/late)
NOTE: live trackers are included in the Classic course entry since 2021.
Individual entry $199/$249/$279
Relay team entry - $249/$299/$329
AR Duo - Team entry $399/$449/$499 (include double sit-on-top kayak, paddles, and PFD).
Single Leg (Mountain bike, Paddle, Run) - $50/$60/$70 (no tracker)
After 30th of Septermber please contact organisers directly but there are no guarantees we will be able to find a spot for you.
There are no registration on a day without prior arrangement
AR Duo category is limited to 30 spots across both courses.
After registration, you will receive final event details about one week prior to the event.
Registration >>
team changes and refunds
Changes in the teams can be made till the Race day. Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your team name and changes to be made.
For entry cancellations or if you would like to redeem entry certificates, please refer to REFUND POLICY.